Tertiary Preparation Program


course duration

32 weeks full time



Next Intake
Start Date: 8 September 2025
Applications Close: 28 July 2025


Enrolments are fully funded by the Federal Government.

There is no cost to students. 


entry criteria

Entry criteria
See eligibility criteria



The Tertiary Preparation Program is delivered over three terms (32 weeks) and enables you to learn the core academic skills required for entry into undergraduate study at The University of Queensland. It is delivered face to face on the St Lucia Campus. The program is designed for domestic students who are 18 years or older or have completed Year 12, but not achieved their desired ATAR.

With small class sizes, our teachers are able to provide a high level of personal attention, helping you develop the confidence and study structure for academic success. So, you’ll be able to hit the ground running when you progress to your undergraduate degree.



Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible you must be an Australian/New Zealand citizen or Permanent Resident and meet the following requirements.
For international students, please see the Foundation Program.

Recent school leaver with a High School Certificate

  • Have completed Year 11 and at least started Year 12
  • Demonstrated a pass in a Year 11 English and Mathematics subject 

  • Be 18 years old or turning 18 during the program

No High School Certificate or over 5 years since completed high school

  • Complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy assessment as part of your application. The purpose of the LLN is to assess your current level of competency in English and Mathematics, alongside providing an indication of your ability to flourish within the learning environment of the Tertiary Preparation Program. 

  • Submit a statement of what study/work you have completed since high school. (e.g. a resume and/or certificates of completion) 

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Course information

Students in the Tertiary Preparation Program generally study two core courses and up to three elective courses. You can choose your electives to meet the entry requirements for your chosen undergraduate program. A Humanities stream is also recommended for students who intend to study in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. 

View course details (PDF, 36.8 KB)



Assessment items may include exams, individual and group assignments, research projects, laboratory practicals, and seminar presentations. Your final result in a course will be based on all assessment items. All courses are graded on the UQ 7–point scale:

7High distinction85 – 100%
6Distinction75 – 84%
5Credit65 – 74%
4Pass 50 – 64%
3Marginal Fail47 – 49%
2Fail25 – 46%
1Low fail0 – 24%

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Your teachers will monitor your academic progress throughout the program and provide you with regular feedback and guidance. Students also have access to dedicated Learning Advisors for UQ College who support students with assessment preparation, study skills and time management strategies.




Need more information?

Below is a recording from one of our Tertiary Preparation Program Info Sessions.

View Frequently Asked Questions

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Phone: +61 7 3346 6770

UQ College
The University of Queensland
The Sir Llew Edwards Building
University Drive
St Lucia QLD 4072 Australia

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