Bridging English


course duration

10 to 30 weeks




Classes start every 5 weeks.
Fees and dates



Fees and dates


entry criteria

Entry criteria
5 entry points: IELTS 5.0 minimum
Entry requirements


Bridging English (BE) is UQ College’s most popular English language pathway, with five entry points for admission into UQ programs. 


Who is this program for?

BE students can use their final BE assessment to satisfy the English language entry requirements for their UQ program.


What you will learn

  • develop your proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking
  • extend your range and use of academic vocabulary
  • apply a range of skills needed to understand complex reading and listening texts
  • speak clearly and confidently in a range of contexts
  • express ideas in writing using appropriate features of academic writing
  • learn to appropriately use key grammatical structures in writing and speaking.

Entry to a UQ program

If you meet the academic requirements for entry to a UQ program but need to meet the English language entry requirements, you can apply for a UQ package offer. The UQ package offer includes:

  • an English course to get you to the level you need for entry to your UQ program, and
  • a conditional place in your preferred UQ program.

To receive a UQ package offer, you must provide evidence of your current English language ability (IELTS or other recognised test) with your UQ application. If you do not have an IELTS score or equivalent for your UQ program, or the overall IELTS score you achieved is below 5.0, join our Integrated English classes.


Bring your own device (BYOD)

As a UQ College student, you will need to bring your own computer. This will allow you to fully participate in lessons, carry out self-study tasks and take BE computer-based assessments.

Prior to your study, you must ensure your device meet minimum specifications as outlined in our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy. You will also need to complete a BYOD agreement as a part of your orientation.

Study options

Advantage (recommended)

Choose BE Advantage to complete your assessment five to six weeks before the start of the UQ semester. If you do not pass the end-of-program assessment the first time, you can complete the four-week BE Extension to improve your language skills and then repeat the BE assessment.

The benefits of choosing BE Advantage include:

  • you have time to take a break from study, prepare, and get organised for your UQ program
  • undertake the BE Extension course if you do not succeed at BE assessment the first time.


The BE Standard will finish immediately before the start of the UQ semester. The BE Extension are not available with this option as there is no interval before the UQ semester. It is recommended that you only choose if you are unable to do BE Advantage.

The BE Standard finishes immediately before the start of the UQ semester. If you do not achieve your required English level to enter your degree, you will need to defer the start of your degree until the following semester.


  Advantage Standard
Completion time 5 - 6 weeks before the start of the UQ semester Immediately before the start of the UQ semester.
What you can do if you don't pass the assessment the first time Complete BE Extension (BEE) and repeat the BE assessment Defer the start of your degree until the following semester
Optional course you can take to further prepare for university Academic Communication Skills (ACS) -

BE comparison



Entry requirements

You need to meet the academic requirements for entry to the UQ program and be within the specified range of English language proficiency for that program. Minimum entry is IELTS 5.0 or recognised equivalent for most programs, with some programs requiring a higher level.

S: Speaking, L: Listening, R: Reading, W: Writing

BE entry and exit requirements for UQ programs that require Academic IELTS 6.5 (no score less than 6.0) or equivalent
BE 30*5.0,
no sub-score less than 5
S:15 L:12 R:12 W:17
no sub-score less than 42
no sub-score less than 154
BE 25*5.5,
no sub-score less than 5
S:15 L:12 R:12 W:17
no sub-score less than 42
no sub-score less than 154
BE 20*5.5,
no sub-score less than 5.5
S:17 L:17 R:17 W:19
no sub-score less than 49
no sub-score less than 162
BE 15*6.0,
no sub-score less than 5.5
S:17 L:17 R:17 W:19
no sub-score less than 49
no sub-score less than 162
BE 10**6.0,
writing 6.0, no other sub-score skill less than 5.5
S:17 L:17 R:17 W:21
S:49 L:49 R:49 W:60
S:162 L:162 R:162 W:169
*The BEP 30, 25, 20 and 15-week pathways are not available for UQ programs that require a minimum entry score higher than 6.5.

**Academic IELTS overall score: Not more than 0.5 band below the specified UQ program requirement. Academic IELTS sub-band scores: If specified for a UQ degree program, not more than 0.5 band below the sub-band requirement. If not specified, no more than one band below the UQ degree program overall band requirement. Please ensure you refer to the specific UQ entry requirements for your chosen program.

Exit requirement for UQ entry: You must achieve a minimum overall grade of 4 plus a minimum grade of C in all four macro skills for UQ programs requiring Academic IELTS 6.5 (minimum 6.0 in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing).


Don't have your English Language Proficiency test results?



course module_icon

Course modules

Listening and Speaking

  • Gain a deeper understanding of vocabulary and grammar in use
  • Learn key skills for identifying information when listening to academic texts
  • Participate in speaking tasks to apply new language in context
  • Complete online workbook tasks, activities, and review tests.

Reading and Writing

  • ​Read academic texts to identify key ideas
  • Develop your use of grammar and vocabulary for reading and writing
  • ​Learn to write more clearly and accurately
  • Get feedback on your writing skills from your teacher
  • ​Gain critical thinking skills.



contact hours

20 contact hours per week 

additional resources

Bring your own device (BYOD) to complete online coursework, assessment, and self-directed learning resources. See UQ College BYOD technical requirements here.


Up to 18 students per class

session times

Lessons are scheduled between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday. Student timetables will vary depending on courses selected.



How you will be assessed

Assessment tasks are taken at the end of the course to evaluate your skills.  Formal tests on speaking, writing, reading and listening are held at the end of every 5-week session.

Read more about assessment and certification.


Fees and dates

2025 Tuition fees ($AUD) (For offers made after 1 July 2024, for 2025 commencement.)

Please note: an AUD $250 enrolment fee applies when you enrol.

Enrolment lengthTuitionStudent services & materialsTotal
10 weeks$5,950$300$6,250
15 weeks$8,925$450$9,375
20 weeks$11,900$600$12,500
25 weeks$14,875$750$15,625
30 weeks$17,850$900$18,750
BE Extension (optional)$2,380$120$2,500

Other fees

As a student on a Student Visa, you must pay for your own health insurance.

To ensure you are able to receive your Student Visa in time to start class, Offshore students need toaccept their offer 8 weeks prior to start date and Onshore students 2 weeks prior to start date.  Late arrivals will not be accepted. 

For Entry to UQ in Semester 2, 2025

IELTS scoreProgramBE Advantage (recommended)BE Standard
5.5 overall, no score less than 5.5BE 20 weeks6 January 2025 30 May 202517 February 2025 – 11 July 2025
6.0 overall, no score less than 5.5BE 15 weeks17 February 2025 30 May 202524 March 2025 – 11 July 2025
6.0 overall, 6.0 minimum for writing,
no score less than 5.5
BE 10 weeks24 March 2025 30 May 2025

28 April 2025 – 11 July 2025


For Entry to UQ in Semester 1, 2026
IELTS scoreProgramBE Advantage (recommended)BE Standard
5.0 overall, no score less than 5.0BE 30 weeks28 April 2025 – 12 December 20259 June 2025 – 6 February 2026
5.5 overall, no score less than 5.0BE 25 weeks9 June 2025 – 12 December 202521 July 2025 – 6 February 2026
5.5 overall, no score less than 5.5BE 20 weeks21 July 2025 – 12 December 202525 August 2025 – 6 February 2026
6.0 overall, no score less than 5.5BE 15 weeks25 August 2025 – 12 December 20256 October 2025 – 6 February 2026
6.0 overall, 6.0 minimum for writing,
no score less than 5.5
BE 10 weeks6 October 2025 – 12 December 202510 November 2025 – 6 February 2026


For Entry to UQ in Semester 2, 2026
IELTS scoreProgramBE Advantage (recommended)BE Standard
5.0 overall, no score less than 5.0BE 30 weeks6 October 2025 – 29 May 202610 November 2025 – 10 July 2026
5.5 overall, no score less than 5.0BE 25 weeks10 November 2025 – 29 May 20265 January 2026 – 10 July 2026
5.5 overall, no score less than 5.5BE 20 weeks5 January 2026 – 29 May 202616 February 2026 – 10 July 2026
6.0 overall, no score less than 5.5BE 15 weeks16 February 2026 – 29 May 202623 March 2026 – 10 July 2026
6.0 overall, 6.0 minimum for writing,
no score less than 5.5
BE 10 weeks23 March 2026 – 29 May 202627 April 2026 – 10 July 2026

How to apply

Visit Applying for Undergraduate Study for more information about package offers for undergraduate study.
Visit Applying for Postgraduate Study to learn more about package offers from UQ for postgraduate study.

All applications for BE are accepted through the UQ International admissions process.
If you would like help with your application: 

Contact UQ International      or      Find an agent


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