
You need to use your UQ student number and password to access all computer and internet facilities (including wireless) on campus. These were sent by email before you arrived. If you have not got it, email reception at info@uqcollege.uq.edu.au.

Password reset

If you forget your password or get issued with a new one at any time, then you need to reset your password online.

Login to wi-fi

Use your UQ username and password to login to wi-fi or computers on campus. You should have been sent an email with your UQ student number and link to set your password. 

To login to wi-fi:

  1. go to where available networks are listed on your device
  2. select Eduroam
  3. enter your username as s______@uq.edu.au where 's' is followed by the first 7 digits of your 8 digit student number
  4. enter your password.

If you need further help, setting up wi-if on your device, visit the Connect to UQ wi-fi guide.



Print, scan, copy at the library

To print, scan or copy go to the Social Sciences and Humanities Library, Building 2, next to UQ College.

You will need to load money onto your Student Card - you can do it online or visit the helpdesk on Level 2 of the library. The helpdesk can also help you if you have problems using your device, software or logins.